A generalized plan showing proposed location of different components of the proposed development. The plan includes the location of proposed uses, landscape areas and buffers, pedestrian and vehicle circulation, site access and the relationship of the proposed development to the surrounding area.
A specific plan, drawn to a standard architectural or engineering scale, detailed sufficiently to illustrate the height and area of the building(s); floor plans and occupant load(s); elevations, materials, and architectural details; and any other information necessary to document compliance.
The drawings on which the proposed improvements are shown and which, if approved, will be used for the construction of the improvements. This must be drawn to scale and prepared by a professional architect or engineer.
A plan which details the proposed modification of existing trees or vegetation, as well as any changes to the landscape design of the site. This includes stormwater drainage, water retention, and changes to the grade. This plan must be prepared by a landscape architect or engineer.